

Article in the Passenger Terminal World Magazine

The Passenger Terminal World Magazine published an article about our innovative TECURE-ID solution for easy traveling. Read the full magazine here or find the article on page 113. 

German technology specialist Mühlbauer presents one of the most privacy-preserving solutions in the world of seamless travel. The MB TECURE-ID is a digital ID on passengers’ mobile devices. It replaces a variety of inhomogeneous travel documents and guarantees a convenient, touchless, privacy-respecting approach to accurately identifying people.

In a world of increasing passenger volumes, exhausted airport capacities, long security queues and the Covid-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to provide an identification solution that unites a touchless and hassle-free travel experience with the highest security standards, in combination with efficiency for air transportation industries. That is exactly what Mühlbauer’s MB TECURE-ID software solution does. The scope of this progressive approach is to be trustworthy, digital and privacy friendly, and to replace a traveler’s physical passport with a digital identity document.

The trust anchor of the MB TECURE-ID is the physical electronic machine readable travel document (eMRTD), which
is used for initialization. A certified mobile application accesses the data in the eMRTD and transfers it, including the digital
signatures, into the trusted storage of the mobile device – ideally long before travel. Completing a face verification process during the data transfer ensures that the eMRTD belongs to the ID bearer. Further personal data can be added via interfaces from external services, so that the digital token is expanded into a wallet with ID and travel documents, tickets, reservations,
vouchers and boarding passes.

After initialization, the general procedure at airports is as follows: the traveler who owns the MB TECURE-ID receives an
identification request from a boarding gate. The traveler now decides how to answer this request, for example by sending
the required information of the ID document and boarding pass for this dedicated purpose. In doing so, the traveler can
pass through the boarding gate without any further document checks or interruptions. Traveling becomes more comfortable for
passengers as there will be no more paper travel documents and privacy and data security will be preserved.